Saturday, June 10, 2006


The World Cup kicked off yesterday in Germany, and it is fun to be swept up in the fever of it all here in Argentina. Flags are waving, almost more than on Independence Day, and televisions are set up in almost every store. Argentina plays for the first time today, and I’m sure the entire eight million here are aware of it. The unifying force of soccer is intoxicating…
Just as our group of peace scholars is hoping that an overnight retreat outside the city this weekend will help in our unification. It has been a few of the more intense weeks of my life, as we each struggle under time pressure with deciding how to handle the “earthquake” that I mentioned in my previous entry. In fact, this weekend will be a goodbye for most of us in my class. My application is being quickly processed at the University of Queensland, with hopes of picking up classes there on July 24th. While it will be difficult to so abruptly leave behind a continent that I’ve only just begin to explore, I know I’ll be back. In Brisbane, I’ll find a very solid peace and conflict resolution program, insight into a whole new region of the world, peace scholars from around the globe, a campus setting, not to mention warm weather of the type I’ve been missing since my years in the DR.
The bus leaves for the retreat in a few hours. There, peacemakers will make peace as we celebrate from the life lessons learned during this time of intense soul-searching, and ultimately give thanks for all with which we have been blessed.


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