Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I pause in appreciation of the holistic experience of my education here, which two brief examples speak to. Yesterday I reconnected with a fellow peace scholar friend from Zambia, who had also been visiting friends and family in Zimbabwe over break. After hearing so much in the news about Zimbabwe while in Arizona, it was a privilege to hear her first-hand assessment of what is going on there. The instability of life is what most stands out... for example, one might pay 50,000 Zimbabwe Dollars on the bus in the morning, and 100,000 ZWD on the way back in the afternoon. Business owners are being threatened into lowering prices, with consequences that there's little milk, meat, etc. stocked on the shelves.

From that conversation, I walked to class with Vikas, another peace fellow who hails from SE India. We attended the first of a 'Politics of Development' course, taught by a brilliant professor with an office right across the hall from mine. She screened a documentary for us, called 'Drowned Out', about the heart-wrenching consequences of the Sardar Sarovar dam project in India. Watching it brought out now so familiar themes of 'leaders' claiming to care for the people, but ultimately prioritizing their own power, egos, and bank accounts. I lingered after class with my colleague and another new found friend from Kenya... Vikas shares about his personal and professional involvement during the dam controversy, bringing the reality ever closer than the distance of a documentary.

So, though I still remain with a central tension and challenge of how to be an agent of change in the world... how to bridge the communication gap between gaining awareness and perspective here versus 'reality' on the ground, I recognize the unparalleled opportunity I have being here, and wrap myself in each moment.

Before signing off, I share two links of inspiration. The first is regarding Sept. 21, a day for peace. Be an active part and encourage everyone around you to do the same...


This second one is powerful as well. It portrays excelently why I find so much hope in young people-- their guts, passion and creativity. This piece also raises awareness of one of the most pressing yet internationally neglected issue of invisible children.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3166797753930210643&hl=en (thanks Ole:))

Blessings unto you,


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