Sunday, February 24, 2008

Dynamic silence

You know, I believe. Al profundo, y sigue profundizando... As I'm chasing down various rabbit holes on the internet as I job quest, reading about and listening to clips of people and organizations around the world, I settle into a rooted calm, a rooted smile. Not to overlook the extensive networks of destruction and exclusion, but the more I consider that movement, the more I feel a sense a pity for those enmeshed in such a way of being. We set ourselves free, whether in war-torn regions or the spirit-stifling atmosphere of consumer excess, we negotiate our journeys and have the potential to find guidance in bright stars of inspiration and transcendence that illuminate the way.

A month into my limbo stage, I have tapped into a few enduring fires... one, just how important it is to take the time, every day, to return to that stillness inside that sings of your personal truth... that truth you've tested over time, after moving through emotions and experiences whose common lessons have cycled over and over. The importance of bringing that inner light as the central mover of each thought and consequently each action... And two, that I thrive on learning through intense adventuring. Despite voices that might doubt my persistent wandering, there are several reasons why that works for me. In the flow, I maintain simplicity, relatively free from attachments to stuff, and primarily focused on relationships with others and relationship with nature. Meaning spirals into meaning, each time with added embers of intrigue and fascination. And three, that I will never cease to feel humbled and ever-grateful for the exquisite, extensive network of love and support that is the giant net over which I test my wings on the edge of risk, the edge of continued transformation.

So, I feed horses, run the muddy mesas with Chula, give massages and renew each day in Ganado as the dreams weave away whisper by whisper. The thunder in time, in time...


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