Friday, May 30, 2008

from fayetteville

A pitbull and boxer keep me company as I borrow an old high school friend's computer for a moment of reflection time... I'm in a quiet neighborhood in Fayetteville, NC-- ironic considering the largest US military base lies just miles away. I continue to spin through a large variety of life realities and from each conversation I continue to learn more about people, myself, emotions and life in general.
Another layer: I was fortunate to see Bodyworlds2 at the museum of science in Baltimore, and I don't think I've ever taken so much time as then to read almost every word of the exhibit. Our bodies are truly miraculous, and to contemplate how the body and brain interact with our surroundings to sculpt us each into who we are, on a constantly changing basis, is... fun. I enjoyed the exhibit's combination of biology and philosophy, weaving scientific detail amidst poetic reflection spanning through history.
I enjoyed being among many others passing through the museum that day, and imagining the lightbulbs being set off in each one of us... the new doors of possibility as knowledge fires more synapses and other forces yet unforseen lead us along the way


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