Wednesday, January 26, 2011

thank you

Tucked into a corner of my parent's Philadelphia home, snow softly falls outside and I feel a peacefulness deep inside that measures as the ultimate of all possible birthday gifts. In travel, I learned that some cultures have it that the birthday celebrator is the one who gifts something to the others in his/her life... I love that notion, for it is all of you that have made my life so rich. So, I offer here a simple bow of gratitude; thank you for all you've taught, for all you've loved.

Well, it's been about six weeks since returning from India, and it's taken just as long to relax its ties around my soul. As you've noticed, my blog took a long rest during that journey... I was so immersed in the full, glorious, complex moments there that I shied away from attempting to take time outs and wrap my mind around its brilliance. I just opened my heart and took it all in, breath by breath. And I was blessed to experience India through eight other lenses from the eight students who were along on the Carpe Diem ride... we sat it countless circles to decompress along the journey, and it was awesome to experience the open atmosphere conducive for grappling with all we went through together.

There is no doubt I'll travel back to that special land. I think of Krishna, for example, our fire dance teacher in Varanasi, who lamented not having more time to show us what it means to experience India through the third eye, not just as a traveler. I was only able to take one pre-sunrise walk along the ghats of Varanasi, and it was those moments of slowing down that the mysterious layers began to manifest. Mmmm, I've never felt so not ready to depart from the cities we traveled through as we made our way west along the Ganges.

Nevertheless, there is something that's more settled inside after my wanderings from last year, and I've returned with a stronger relationship with myself and thereby the world around me. I have a commitment to sitting every morning to be with the heart and simply listen. And to ask direction and assistance in re-discovering roots of our own native land here in the U.S. as I seek to sculpt out a new program for youth. One magical day at a time, awake, aware, and humbled... As my South America family came to accept as our mantra, "thank you Universe; I have no complaints whatsoever."


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