Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Inspiration of a kitchen cabinet

New perspectives... it's as simple as crawling into the kitchen cabinet to hold up a fallen shelf, as I found myself doing this morning. I crave these instances, as silly as they may be, to color the world anew with fresh breath, spice-- all in the commitment to honor the intensity of living that this world of ours offers.

I'm back in Flagstaff, spending the next few weeks regrouping from my trip east and gearing up for work with Carpe Diem this fall. I feel so grateful for the opportunity for balance that my circumstances offer me-- the east generally injecting a directing, organizing rhythm, and back out west with the wide, open expanses, my visionary sense engages. This past weekend was a gift to travel back to the rez, to flow back into the curiosities of that intensely energetic space. By instinct, my first action was to snuggle into my old beatup sneaks and take off for the mesas. Running around cactus, sage and shrubs, amidst long-eared jackrabbits in the merciless sun, I sweat my way to the top of a different perch and allowed the freedom to fly through me.

Floating back down to the Ganado neighborhood, I began to reunite with those beautiful people that sew the intricate web there. Not much beats that face, so surprised to see you again, followed by a soul-fed hug. Together, we celebrated with food and dance the service of a dedicated practitioner on his way onward to new journeys... We topped off our weekend with a group adventure to some slot canyons in the soft vibrancy of the remote desert. Nature matched the power of our group-- a sweet symphony of people all centered on service, love, life-- with an encounter with a majestic owl perched in the narrows of a slot canyon we were meandering through. Yet again, I find heaven is indeed right here around us.

Here in Flag, reconnecting with old friends and prepping for another chapter, I also appreciate simple, gentle moments with family. I lose myself in reading, hiking and reflecting, and cultivate an intention for my upcoming work... feeding the flames of the passion at my core; for exploration, transformation, community, hope and possibility. Opening to be able to receive the messages that await me via travels in Fiji, New Zealand, and Australia over these next three months.

In gratitude to you for affirming and encouraging my life wanderings, as uncertain and gut-wrenchingly unsettled they can feel at times... I find strength to follow my calling through the common, compassionate bonds among us.